Cartoon characters

A cartoonish approach to art in mobile games

Over the past few years, the market for mobile games has grown. Hundreds of games are released every day, and manufacturers are finding new approaches to games they never thought of before to attract more players. The main goal is cheaper engagement than before. One way to attract players is to pull out the cartoon-style art, which is becoming increasingly popular among mobile game developers who are looking for something that appeals to the casual gaming audience. In this post, we’ll look at a few tips and tricks for creating cartoon-style art!

One of the first things you should do before starting a project is to determine a sample style. After all, you can draw the game in a heavily cartoonish style, you can add a little realism. Look at the most popular cuzual games, released in recent times and among them choose a sample. Next is more difficult – to maintain the style in all the art of the game. To do this, create a kit with a pattern for the buttons, backgrounds, tamers. So that all the artists of the project will have a file from which you can copy the style of rounding or shadows for any object in the game.

Also, don’t forget about the other templates you need to predefine. For example, define the main colors and shades of the game, save it in a file with all the kit. Follow – choose the font. If the game should support different languages, you should settle for a font that supports Cyrillic and extended Latin.

In order for the game to stand one style, all map objects (goal-game) must also be in the same style. This requires creating a template file and documentation. For example, what techniques reduce all objects to a single template, such as the same foundation, the minimum size of parts, pastel colors and other. The same template is needed for all the characters in the game – coordinate their angle, head size in relation to the body, color.

When your illustrations are ready, it’s time to put them into the game itself. While you can do this by importing PNG files directly, it might be easier to use a tool like Spritebuilder, which was created specifically for creating mobile games with vector resources! It also contains some tools that make it easy to import illustrations and create animations from them.